Theological research studies
Archpriest Andrey Melnichuk (Melnichuk A. A.)
From the history of the order of service and the rites of Christian burial
Priest Victor Kulaga (Kulaga V. V.)
The problem of the origin and nature of the Church authority in Russian Theological Science
of XIX–XX centuries and the conciliar system of the Church
Protopriest Mikalai Sauchuk (Sauchuk M. I.)
Dialogue of the Roman Catholic Church with the pre-Chalcedonian Oriental Churches
(from the 1960s to the 1980s)
Metropolitan of Smolensk and Dorogobuzh Isidor
(Tupikin R. V.)
The legal basis and spheres of interaction of State authorities of the constituent entities
of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies with religious organizations
of the Russian Orthodox Church
Priest Lev Garin (Garin L. K.)
Experience of church-state cooperation in the field of taxation
Priest Ilya Burdukov (Burdukov I. V.)
Common doctrines in the Acts of Paul and the Pastoral Epistles
Historical research studies
Begovatov D. A.
Diocesan reports as a source for studying the Church everyday life in the early 1950s
(on the example of the Kalinin Diocese)
Priest Vladislav Bagan (Bagan V. V.)
The history of teaching the scientific discipline of church law in higher educational institutions
of the Russian Empire in ХIХ century
Slesarev A. V.
Ukrainian and Belarusian autocephalous movements in the context of the claims
of the Patriarchate of Constantinople on the territory of the historical Kiev Metropolia
Ivanov A. M.
Activity of the Commissioner for Religious Affairs under the Council of Ministers
of the USSR for the Smolensk Region and changes in the network of religious institutions
in 1987–1990
Priest Dmitry Gamilovsky (Gamilovsky D. M.)
State power and Old Belief in the period from 1905 to 1917
Borisyuk A. A.
Orthodox churches of Moscow in 1918-1921.
Conditions of existence and scale of liquidation
Gavrilenkov A. F.
On the issue of the seizure of Church valuables in the Smolensk province in 1922
Information about authors