On December 21, 2020, under the chairmanship of the rector of the Smolensk Orthodox Theological Seminary, Metropolitan Isidor of Smolensk and Dorogobuzh, a final meeting of the Academic Council was held. In connection with the spread of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), the meeting was held remotely.
The work of the council was attended by the vice-rector for scientific work, Hegumen Tarasiy (Lange), the vice-rector for educational work, candidate of theology Priest Oleg Rebizov, vice-rector for educational work, Master of Theology Priest Andrei Volkov, head of the department of theological and church-historical disciplines, researcher of the SPDS, PhD in History , PhD in Theology, Associate Professor Hieromonk Raphael (Ivochkin), head of the department for educational and methodological work Andritsova M.Yu., head of the correspondence department of the SPDS, Hieromonk Luka (Lisovsky), associate professor of the department of theological and church-historical disciplines of the SPDS, candidate of theology Archpriest Andrei Melnichuk, associate professor of the department of theological and church-historical disciplines of the SPDS, candidate of theology , Candidate of Legal Sciences Priest Vladislav Bagan, Secretary of the Academic Council, Head of the Department of Humanities and Natural Sciences of the SPDS, Ph.D. A.M. Ilyina.
The assistant to the vice-rector for scientific work, Priest Ilya Burdukov, the director of the Center for the training of church specialists Polyanskaya E.V., the acting assistant to the rector for educational work, Priest Dmitry Gamilovsky, the technical editor of the journal Theological Bulletin, Deacon Vitaly Timofeev, head of the office were invited to participate in the meeting. SPDS T.S. Karataeva, chief accountant E.V. Bogorad.
Among other issues raised at the last Academic Council, members of the editorial council and editorial board of the Theological Bulletin of the Smolensk Orthodox Theological Seminary were approved. In addition, a report by Priest Ilya Burdukov on the activities of reorganizing the scientific publication was heard and plans for its further development were outlined.