
№4(21) 2023


Church history research studies

Tupikin R. V. (metropolitan of Smolensk and Dorogobuzh Isidor)

The formation of higher theological education in the Smolensk diocese:

the newest period (1988 – 2008)


Ovchinnikov V. I. (archbishop of Elista and Kalmyk Justinian)

Orthodoxy in Bessarabia in the 1930s


Shirokov P. F. (hieromonk Ferapont)

The Smolensk Theological Seminary during the reform of the 60s of the 19th century

(based on the reports made by the auditors of the Educational Committee)


Zvonarev S. L. (archpriest Sergiy Zvonarev)

The relationship between the Moscow and Jerusalem Patriarchates in the 60s — early 70s

of the XX century based on the materials of church and state archives


Lavrinov V. V. (archpriest Valery Lavrinov)

«I have never been a scoundrel, a bastard, a traitor to anyone in my life…»:

archbishop Nikolai (Lvov). (Based on the materials of the archival and investigative case)


Theological research studies

Rebizov O.G. (priest Oleg Rebizov)

The activity of the Prophet Elijah in the context of the history and culture of the Ancient Near East

of the IX century BC


Ivanov A. M., Aksyonova E. K.

The history of the prayer house of the Jewish religious community in the second half

of the 20th century in the city of Roslavl



Mishchenko M. A. (priest Maxim Mishchenko)

Ethical reasons for the ban on human cloning in the critical concept of Jean Baudrillard


Kachurina E. B.

The features of studying English by bachelors of theology


Local history studies

Zolotov N. S. (hegumen Nikolai)

On the history of the activity of Orthodox brotherhoods in the Russian Empire at the end of the XIX century (on the example of the Brotherhood of St. Abraham, the Wonderworker of Smolensk)


Information about authors


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