History research studies
Ivochkin D. A. (hieromonk Raphael)
St. Simeon, Metropolitan of Smolensk and Dorogobuzh: on the 325th anniversary of his repose
Kulpinov S. S. (Deacon Sergiy Kulpinov)
On the problem of the Transformation of Siberian Renovationist Ideology in the mid-1920s: the results of the III Local Council in Siberia and the III Siberian regional church council of 1926
Lavrinov V. V. (Archpriest Valery Lavrinov)
«By their martyrdom, they washed away sins and misconceptions»: bishops Mitrofan and
Tikhon (Rusinov) (Based on the materials of archival and investigative cases)
Ivanov A. М., Silina K. V.
Activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Early 1970s According to the Reports
of the Commissioner for Religious Affairs at the Council of Ministers for the Smolensk Region
Vivchar V. M. (Archpriest Vasily Vivchar)
The Russian Orthodox Church and the Civil War: Socio-political and Religious Processes
in 1918 – 1919
Gamilowsky D. M. (priest Dimitry Gamilowsky)
The Old Believers of the Smolensk province in 1861-1905 based on the materials of departmental correspondence and diocesan periodicals
Chernyshov N. S. (Priest Nikita Chernyshov)
«The missionary and educational ministry of Bishop Daniel (Alexandrov), the first co-religionist
hierarch in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad»
Theological research studies
Kazakov M. M.
Images of Paradise in the work St. Ambrose of Milan De Paradiso
Mishchenko M. A. (Priest Maxim Mishchenko)
The analysis of the phenomenon of religiosity in the context of postmodern secular culture
Kuznetsov M. N., Shayryan G. P.
«Symphony of the Authorities» as a traditional value of the national statehood
Barabanov S. B. (Нieromonk Sergy)
Social aspects of Pius XII`s magisterium on family and marriage in the context of the
Second World War
Razina L. S.
Manipulation of traditional spiritual and moral values by representatives of neo-Pagan movements
in Russia (based on the analysis of groups in social networks)
Vishnyakov A. P. (Abbot Joasaph Vishnyakov)
Some aspects of the publication activity of Archbishop Mikhail (Mudyugin) during his
administration of the Astrakhan Diocese
Alexandrov N. S.
Soteriology in the first epistle of Apostle Peter: lexicological analysis and theological commentary
Tsyrelchuk K. A.
Post-Sanctus of anaphora of St. Basil the Great (hermeneutics of a selected place in the Russian text)
Information about authors