
№2(23) 2024


History research studies

Tupikin R.V. (Metropolitan Isidore of Smolensk and Dorogobuzh)

The archpastoral ministry of His Grace Theodosius (Pogorsky) at the Kalinin Department: touches to the portrait of the diocesan bishop during the «Khrushchev» persecution (based on documentary materials of the Kalinin region)


Ivochkin D.A. (Hieromonk Raphael)

The ecclesiastical history of the Vyazemsky district of the Smolensk province. The newest period


Kulpinov S.S. (Deacon Sergiy Kulpinov)

The formation of the Far Eastern Regional Church Council and the Trans–Baikal Renovationist Diocese in the period between the II and III Renovationist Local Councils (1923-1925)


Zvonarev S.L. (Archpriest Sergiy Zvonarev)

Regional military conflicts and interreligious contacts on the peacekeeping agenda of the Moscow Patriarchate in the 1960s and early 1970s


Ivanov A.M., Silina K.V.

The history of the Dmitrov Monastery and the Holy Spirit Church of Dorogobuzh, Smolensk region


Makarov Ya. F.

The religious situation and the results of the anti-religious campaignin the Smolensk province

(based on the materials of the secret report of the Union of Atheists in 1925)


Balyko T. A.

The reaction of the clergy and believers of the Trubchevsky district of the Oryol province to the position Patriarch Tikhon on the decree on the separation of Church and state in the period 1918-1921


Theological research studies

Ashimov D.Y.(Bishop Nicholas of Amur and Chegdomyn)

Education of students based on the axiological values of Orthodoxy (using the example of network cooperation of the Amur Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church with secular educational institutions)


Mishchenko M.A.(Priest Maxim Mishchenko)

The problems of exegetical methodology in the Theological Legacy of St. Cyril of Alexandria


Styrov M.M. (Priest Maxim Styrov), Bezgodov D. N.

Family and competition


Kaushan A.A., Kaushan A.A., Skitskaya L.V.

The importance of spiritual and moral education in the Cadet education system in the context

of Orthodox traditions


Bagan V. V. (Priest Vladislav Bagan)

The life and scientific career of canonist Vladimir Nikolaevich Beneshevich


Boldyrev A.A.(Priest Andrey Boldyrev)

Theological Images of Lazarev’s Sabbath Hymnography


Melnichuk A.A.(Archpriest Andrey Melnichuk)

Discussions on the possibility of reforming Orthodox worship (according to the «Reviews of diocesan bishops on the issue of Church reform «)


Shelest A.T.

On the question of the Slavic translation of the Catenae of Prokopy Gazsky into the Song of Songs


Galaev D.D.(Deacon Daniel Galaev)

Types of interpretations of canon law on the issue of prohibitions of extra-liturgical activities

 of the clergy


Sidorov G. (Priest Georgy Sidorov)

The Evolution of Russian Homiletics in the second half of the 19th century on the example

of the preaching legacy of Archbishop Sofonia (Sokolsky)


Theological research studies

Tupikin R.V.(Metropolitan Isidore of Smolensk and Dorogobuzh)

Circular letters of the Right Reverend Theodosius (Pogorsky) at the Kalinin Department in 1958-1960. (according to the recordsof the Authorized Council for the Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church under the Council of Ministers of the USSR for the Kalinin region)


Lavrinov V.V.(Archpriest Valery Lavrinov)

Bishop Julian (Simashkevich) and his investigative work1937-1938


Mishchenko M.A.(Priest Maxim Mishchenko), Garin K. K.

Abstract by the head of the sociological research group of the Kalinin OK VLKSIV. Visnapu «Characteristics of the atheistic consciousness of modern youth on the example of a specific sociological study of «Some aspects of the spiritualworld of a youngman»conducted in 1969 in the city of Torzhok and the Torzhok district of the Kalinin region»


Information about authors


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