The first issue of the journal «Theological Bulletin of the Smolensk Orthodox Theological Seminary» was released this year

On March 29, 2022, the next issue of the journal «Theological Bulletin of the Smolensk Orthodox Theological Seminary» (No. 1 (14) 2021) was released.

The new issue of Theological Bulletin of the Smolensk Orthodox Theological Seminary continues the tradition of cooperation with leading experts in the field of theological and church history disciplines based on partnership with spiritual and secular higher educational institutions. Thus, a high level of scientific research is ensured.

Recall that the journal «Theological Bulletin of the Smolensk Orthodox Theological Seminary» is a scientific publication of the Smolensk Seminary, one of the oldest theological educational institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church. The journal was created with the blessing of Metropolitan Isidor of Smolensk and Dorogobuzh with the participation of the faculty of the theological school. The journal is included in the scientific database «Russian Science Citation Index» and in the All-Church list of journals in which it is recommended to publish the results of research by applicants for academic degrees in theology and church history.

The new issue of The Theological Bulletin of the Smolensk Orthodox Theological Seminary is focused on research in three thematic areas: theological, historical, and humanitarian.

The Theological Studies section opens with an article by Metropolitan Isidor of Smolensk and Dorogobuzh, «Strategy for counteracting modern neo-paganism in the Russian Federation: a missionary view.» The study presents a missionary perspective and an analysis of possible strategies that prevent the large-scale spread of neo-paganism in the territory of the Russian Federation. The author presents a set of means (from theological controversy to social actions and cultural events) for effective counteraction to various branches of modern Slavic neo-paganism.

Professor of Smolensk State University Kazakov Mikhail Mikhailovich in his work «Political theology as a branch of theology» made a conceptual proposal on the need to «single out political theology as a branch in Orthodox theology.» The author made «an attempt to formulate the definition, subject and object of political theology, as well as to outline the research methods associated with traditional theological disciplines.» Moreover, M. M. Kazakov focuses on the «concepts, interpretations, explanations» of the Orthodox tradition.

An exponent of the glorious tradition of the Minsk theological schools, Andrey Vladilenovich Danilov, presented the next part of a series of church-historical studies devoted to the problems of Byzantine iconoclasm, with the article «Anthropology and theology of iconoclasm.» This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the concept and policy of the Byzantine iconoclasts from the point of view of the humanities: semiotics, sociology, political science.

Priest Vladislav Bagan in his work «The Concept, Nature and Specificity of Canon Law in the Roman Catholic Church» refers to a rare and little-studied topic in the domestic scientific space, namely the current state of the canon in the Roman Catholic Church. The article identifies two problematic fields: «ontological (theological and legal conditionality of canon law) and church-historical (history of «canon law» in the Roman Catholic Church)».

The Theological Studies section closes with historical and theological articles by representatives of the SPDS professorial and teaching corporation.

The article “Peculiarities of the Development of the Jerusalem Typicon in the Russian Orthodox Church of the 16th – 17th Centuries”, concerning the field of historical liturgy, was published by the representative of Archpriest Andrey Melnichuk. In this work, a historical and liturgical analysis of the functioning of the «Jerusalem Typikon in the Russian Orthodox Church in the 16th-17th centuries» was presented.

Priest Oleg Rebizov in his work “The Book of Job and the Babylonian Theodicy” touches upon a rare area in Russian biblical studies, namely, comparative experiments of biblical divinely inspired books and Middle Eastern literature. In particular, the author carried out a comparative analysis of the biblical book of Job and traditional Middle Eastern literature of suffering.

The section «Historical Studies» opens with the article «The Roman administrative system in the I-II centuries. in the works of ancient authors and on materials of archaeological research” by the once long-term rector of the SPDS, Archpriest Georgy Urbanovich. Father George has been researching New Testament archeology since the mid-2000s. and he collected rich factual material. This article reflects the understanding of the «features of the administrative and economic life» of the Roman state in the I-II centuries.

The representative of the Smolensk State University Elena Dmitrievna Bespalyonok presented a study of local lore «Vyazemsky merchants Bolotins and Mikhail Kirillov (Florovskiy): on the history of temple building in the 18th century.» This work «solves the problem of considering at the level of micro-history the development of merchant dynasties in Russia in the 18th century, the formation of the merchant class and its mentality, interpersonal relations, as well as merchant temple building as a very characteristic phenomenon of Russian history of the 18th century.».

The section “Humanitarian Studies” opens with a work in the field of Christian pedagogy “To the question of the conditions for the formation of a “child-friendly environment” in an Orthodox parish in the context of a new paradigm” authored by the candidate of pedagogical sciences L. N. Urbanovich. In the presented article, “both general conditions that influence the formation of a “favorable environment” and special ones, which include the church-liturgical component, are defined and described.”

The final article of the Theological Bulletin of the Smolensk Orthodox Theological Seminary was an article by the assistant to the rector of the SPDS for scientific work, priest Maxim Mishchenko. The study «Criticism of the consumer society in the early writings of Jean Baudrillard: ethical and religious assessment» is devoted to the analysis of the theory of the functioning of the modern system of «consumer society». The analysis is carried out on the basis of an appeal to the work of one of the most famous Western European thinkers of recent times, Jean Baudrillard.


Responsible secretary of the magazine «Theological Bulletin of the Smolensk Orthodox Theological Seminary»

priest Maxim Mishchenko


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